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The Process Is the Goal

My process-oriented methods turn science into art.

In the diptych Metamorphose I, Werden & Vergehen (2024), the drawing process mutates from a free idea to an analytical concept. Form undergoes
a first deconstruction.


A paper sheet splinters into individually drawn elements. Multiple, unexpected readings emerge: to the left, from the right.
Upwards, from below. Diagonally. Continuously or erratically.

Diptych „Metamorphose I, Werden & Vergehen“


graphite, coloured Pencil on paper, 80 x 120 cm

Metamorphose I | Werden


Stop Motion Animation, 00:50 min

Metamorphose I | Vergehen


Stop Motion Animation, 00:50 min

Beginning without clear goals, the butterflies transformed
from paper drawings to three-
dimensional collages and, via a video animation,
ultimately became a fabric sculpture.

The series #bewareofbutterflies was at the core of Denise Schellmann’s work from 2020 to 2024. The butterflies must be understood as a synthesis
of drawn structures and motifs from earlier creative phases: as consummated metamorphoses that create a colourful newness. No two butterflies
are the same. And in each, the artist’s personality matures one step further. Contradictions remain: fragility and strength, tenderness and wildness,
statics and dynamics. Always the both, and the and.

Butterflycollection III


graphite, coloured pencil on paper, pins, Insekt showcase

40 x 50 cm

#bewareofbutterflies XXVI


graphite, coloured pencil on paper,

26 x 42 cm

Butterflies gezeichnet
Butterflies Stop Motion

37 Schmetterlinge - ein dynamisches Wechselspiel
Stop Motion short film 1:51 min


Butterflies Nähprozess

Sewingprocess, prototypes, cutting pattern, butterflies, soft sculptures, 2021

Butterflies Softsculptures